

at estethica Istanbul

What are protruding ears and what kind of problems do they cause?

Protruding ears is the situation where the angle between the ears and the head is wider than normal. When these people are looked at from the front, their earlobes are more prominent while the natural “Y” shaped fold is less so.

Protruding or large ears are not actually physical conditions but aesthetic ones. Protruding ears that are clearly noticeable can cause psychological and social problems that reduce the quality of life in affected people. Being the victim of teasing usually begins at school and this can cause children to feel the need to hide their ears with their hair, lack of self-confidence, anxiety, poor body image and even depression.

How are protruding ears treated?

The only treatment option available for protruding, large or deformed ears is surgery.

The most suitable time for children to have protruding ear treatment is in the pre-school period as ear development ends at around 5-6 years of age. When protruding ear surgery is performed in the pre-school period, any risk of the child experiencing any psychological trauma or social problems is prevented. Having protruding ear surgery in the pre-school period also ensures the child can more easily adapt to the social environment without suffering any body image issues and prevents self-confidence issues. It is important to know that early treatment prevents psychological and social trauma in the light of data collected from those who seek medical help in their pubescent period and early teens.

What is the protruding ear operation and how is it performed?

Known in medicine as an otoplasty, this surgical procedure has one of the highest levels of patient satisfaction. This surgical intervention is an operation performed to treat protruding ears, large ears, and ears without clear folds.

The protruding ear operation is usually performed by removing excess tissue from behind the ear with small incisions. These incisions made in the folds behind the ear leave virtually no scarring. Our aesthetic and plastic surgery specialists perform the protruding ear operation in a way that obtains the best possible results for our patients by performing a personalised operation plan. The most commonly used method is giving a new shape to the ear fold by reducing the amount of cartilage in the ear by filing the excess away or, if necessary removing it, and using dissolvable stitches.

Recovery period

  • Our patients are able to stand up a few hours after the operation
  • The ears are bandaged to protect them and make it easier for them to heal. The bandaging is removed 2-4 days after and a lighter dressing is applied to the patient’s head
  • Stitches are removed after around a week if self-dissolving stitches are not used
  • It is recommended that a headband that covers the ears is worn for 6-8 weeks after the bandaging is removed, especially while laying down

Before and After

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