
Muscle Aesthetic

at estethica Istanbul

Operation - Muscle Aesthetic (6 Packs)

The ideal male appearance in modern aesthetic sense has been expressed by fit, athletic and muscular body structure, especially related with wide and muscular shoulders, muscular arms, a fat-free abdomen and distinctive abdominal muscles.
These components have become the inevitable elements of a healthy and aesthetic appearance.

Why is it not easy to obtain an athletic and muscular body?

Main factors for having an athletic and muscular body are:

  • how fit is your body to increase muscle mass
  • fat ratio of the body
  • fat distribution in the body
  • nutrition habits
  • sleep patterns
  • disciplined, regular and long-term exercise program
  • physical condition and strength

Heredity is one of the most important criteria of having a muscular and athletic body. The body tends to increase the muscle mass as the distribution of fat tissue in the body is inherited. Therefore; it may be difficult to achieve an athletic body for some, while others will gain the shape they thrive for easily.

Most of the fat tissue is stored in the abdominal and waist areas. This is the reason why many people are facing the so called bagels in the abdominal area. This fatty tissue is difficult to shape and contour.

What actually is muscle aesthetics?

Muscle aesthetics is a body shaping operation that gives you a healthy, dynamic, fit, athletic and muscular body.

The operation is based on:

  • the preservation or enhancement of the tissue in the areas where the muscles are bending
  • the removal of the fatty tissue in the areas of the muscles with the liposuction technique
  • the muscles are made clear and visible
  • It create a visible effect over the muscles as the effect of a naturally shaped abdominal area

The operation technique creates this major reshaping of the muscles without the use of any external implant, only by modeling the fatty tissue

Who can benefit from this new technique?

  • to men and women at young and middle age, who wish to have an athletic look
  • to people with no general obesity, but with a stubborn regional excessive fat
  • to people who have difficulty in developing their muscle tissue and making it visible
  • for those who do not have the time for intense exercise but desire to achieve a muscular body in no time.

What are the advantages of muscle aesthetic surgery?

  • is very practical and a short-term operation
  • is performed through small surgical incisions which are 4-5 mm long corresponding to the body folds
  • That’s why, there is almost no scar
  • has no pain
  • has a short recovery process
  • provides dynamic, fit, athletic and a muscular body immediately after the operation

How it is done?

Step 1 - Anesthesia

Medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedures. General anesthesia.

Step 2 – The incision

  1. The doctor defines the abdominal muscles of the patient with the work of explanatory lines to serve as a guide during the surgery to highlight the structure of individual muscles of the patient
  2. Milimetric incisions are made around the abdominal muscles to contour them
  3. A cannula tube is inserted through those incisions to sculpt the abdomen by removing excess fat around the specific lines of the abdominal muscles
  4. These incisions close easily after the operation and leave no visible scars on the areas.

One of the key factors for the success of this surgery is to be applied by an experienced plastic surgeon who knows the right technique.

Step 3 – Recovery

  • A slight pain can be felt during the next few days of the operation
  • After surgery, staying one night in the hospital will be enough
  • After the operation, you need to wear a medical corset for a month that you can remove during showering
  • Tumors and bruises may occur at low levels in the first 10 days

Before and After

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